What inspires my collecting is always unknown to me, it is just “If I like it”. But I rather like the simple looking Phases of the Moon by sculpture Lynn Chadwick. So different from the triangle shaped aliens he normally represents.

Lynn Chadwick, Moon in Alabama, 1963
Chadwick’s Moon in Alabama series of 1963, variations on a faceted sphere, is a sculptor’s image, yet developed with a consciousness of the potential of printmaking for changing colour ways. †

Lynn Chadwick – Moon in Alabama (colour variant), 1963
Moon in Alabama reminds one of those evil-looking mines, horned with detonators, that were sown at sea and whose shape Chadwick may subconsciously have recalled from his Fleet Air Arm days as he worked on the maquettes. ‡

Lynn Chadwick – Moon in Alabama (colour variant), 1963

Lynn Chadwick – Moon in Alabama (colour variant), 1963

Lynn Chadwick – Maquette II Moon of Alabama

Lynn Chadwick – Maquette III Moon of Alabama

Lynn Chadwick – Full Series of Maquettes and Bottom right the final piece.

J. S. Lewinski – Lynn Chadwick with Moon of Alabama,
† Alan Powers – Art and Print: The Curwen Story, 2008 – p118
‡ Dennis Farr – Lynn Chadwick, 2003 – p52