
Great Bardfield Illustrated - A bibliographic list. 2nd Edition. Great Bardfield Illustrated (2nd Ed)

Great Bardfield Illustrated
204 page Paperback.

Due to the large demand of this volume I am doing a second edition, as it sold out in three weeks.

2nd Edition out now. Order here.

Not sold on Amazon

The works of the Great Bardfield artistic community are becoming more known and popular, and as their paintings and prints increase in value so do the books they illustrated. This is a compendious list on the bibliographic work of the Great Bardfield artists: John Aldridge, Edward Bawden, Richard Bawden, Bernard Cheese, Chloë Cheese, Tirzah Garwood, Thomas Hennell, Walter Hoyle, Eric Ravilious, Sheila Robinson, Michael Rothenstein and Kenneth Rowntree.

I hope that it will help people find many affordable items by these artists as well as complete collections.

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