Eric Gill – Study for the ‘Blind Girl’ in silverline, dated 9/10/1938, oddly the night of Kristallnacht.
In the 1941 Summer copy of The Countryman I was reading is an advert for the National Institute for the Blind with an Eric Gill engraving. The wood-engraving was made in 1939 for the organisation and is called ‘Blind Girl‘.

In 1934 Eric Gill carved a relief, in-situ, at Moorefields Eye Hospital, London. It depicts Christ and Bartimaeus, it is a beautiful example of Gill’s Carving on public display.

Mark 10:46-52. From the New Life Version of the Bible.
Healing of the Blind ManThen they came to the city of Jericho. When He was leaving the city with His followers and many people, a blind man was sitting by the road. He was asking people for food or money as they passed by. His name was Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus. He heard that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. He began to speak with a loud voice, saying, “Jesus, Son of David, take pity on me!” Many people spoke sharp words to the blind man telling him not to call out like that. But he spoke all the more. He said, “Son of David, take pity on me.” Jesus stopped and told them to call the blind man. They called to him and said, “Take hope! Stand up, He is calling for you!” As he jumped up, he threw off his coat and came to Jesus. Jesus said to him, “What do you want Me to do for you?” The blind man said to Him, “Lord, I want to see!” Jesus said, “Go! Your faith has healed you.” At once he could see and he followed Jesus down the road.
Below is a bookplate from the library of
Eye Hosptal Library using the design of the relief but unlikely to be by Gills hand..