Robert Tavener was a designer and illustrator. He worked for the Central Office of Information, GPO and ICI, as well as publishers Hamish Hamilton, Longmans, and
Oxford University Press. He was a member of the Society of Industrial Artists. In 1957, he was included in the book Young Artists of Promise by Jack Beddington. Tavener taught art at Remple School in Stroud, Medway College of Art and Eastbourne College of Art and Design.
This is just a simple post about a painting I bought on ebay that got lost in the post and was never seen again. It was Robert Tavener’s Neptune Statue, Cheltenham pictured at the base of this post.

Here is a photograph of the rather elaborate fountains in Cheltenham.
The Neptune Fountain was built in 1893 and designed by Joseph Hall. The fountain is probably fashioned on the Trevi Fountain in Rome. Carved by Boulton & Sons in 1893. Neptune, the Roman god of the sea, is shown with sea horses and tritons. Robert Tavener made a series of lithographs of the town.

Robert Tavener – The Neptune Statue, Cheltenham, Lithograph

Robert Tavener – The Neptune Statue, Cheltenham. Missing in action.