Here is a portal for the band Cliff Child that I release under Inexpensive Progress. An Anglo-Icelandic band of sonic soundscapes more than songs.
A New Prospect (ザ・ガーデン デレク ジャーマン) by Cliff Child

1. Dungeness Beach 03:07
2. Prospect Cottage 05:04
3. The Garden 02:58
4. Last Of England 04:52
5. Power Plant 01:32
6. Thy Sphere 01:30
Heiðinn by Cliff Child

1. Eldfjall 02:41
2. Heiðinn 05:51
3. Sólstöður 00:17
4. Halastjarna 01:49
5. Tengivirki 01:45
6. Heiðingi 08:49
released December 12, 2022
Níu by Cliff Child

1. Mammút (Purisima Creek) 05:40
2. Býfluga (Sutro Heights) 02:57
3. San Antonio 02:19
4. Ventura 01:39
5. Evergreen Park 01:14
6. Palo Alto 07:50
7. Ravenswood 09:04
released May 2, 2022
Þeir eyðilögðu heimili okkar og menningu by Cliff Child

1. Stríðssvæði 03:08
2. Flóttamaður 01:43
3. Rólegt vatn 02:51
4. Forn 03:46
5. Fagurholsmyr 05:05
6. Sólarljós 02:00
7. Fara heim 03:06
8. Viðgerð 06:25
9. Landið okkar 07:09
10. Jarðvegsfræði 01:53
11. Fljúga flugvél yfir Atlantshafið 05:05
released March 27, 2022
Multi Player by Cliff Child
In a group make your own soundscape, from different devices. Every play a different track on their phone, so the room is full of sounds.
*1. Download songs free
*2. Each person play the songs at random at same time
*3. Start at any time or lap
*4. Make something new each time
*5. Up to 8 players
Everyone tells us music is limited. How you hear music is also limited, do you hear it live? with a laptop speaker, with a phone, or headphones? Why is music down to one person playing it? Well we give you Multi Player. Your friends all download the songs and play them in any order, at random, on their phones in different parts of the room. The tracks are designing to harmonise with each other, so now up to 8 people can play the songs in a room on their phones and make something that different each time. There is no time when to press play, do it any time! You now are in control of how the piece will sound, and we hope it will never sound the same twice.

1. Einn 03:10
2. Tveir 03:43
3. Þrír 03:50
4. Fjórir 03:50
5. Fimm 04:15
6. Sex 03:08
7. Sjö 04:47
8. Átta 03:08
released October 17, 2020
Damned (Soundtrack) by Cliff Child

1. Intro Credits 00:52
2. Boat to Normandy 02:23
3. Theme 02:55
4. The Trenches 03:00
5. Shell Shocked 03:21
6. Monster Calls 01:00
7. Drunk in the woods 03:21
8. They are in the sky 01:16
9. “What’s the worst that can happen?” 01:11
10. Run 01:19
11. End Credits 01:27
12. Run (Different Idea) 03:27
released September 21, 2021
Fimmta by Cliff Child
Nýja platan er komin út – ókeypis. Stór hluti af starfi okkar snýst um náttúruna og hafið

1. Gammablossar 08:37
2. Fellibylur 03:54
3. Þetta er einföld eðlisfræði 04:21
4. Ganja 03:16
5. Svartholið 04:51
6. Hvaða helvítis kjaftæði er þetta? 01:00
7. Erlendra ferðamanna 02:29
8. Ambient tónlist 05:59
9. Dróna 06:05
released September 14, 2020
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Fjórða by Cliff Child

1. Sunk 04:01
2. Nóttu 03:30
3. Wave 01:35
4. Jungle 03:50
5. Heim 04:21
6. Vex 01 (ft Veroníque Jacques) 04:57
7. Myrkrið umlykur mig 09:40
released January 5, 2009
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Þrír by Cliff Child

1. Bottlescort 02:56
2. Wind Hair 04:38
3. Holiday 05:00
4. Rice Pop Bang Bang 02:14
5. Fast Forward 02:11
6. Sunset 01:54
7. Oil Fossil Raw 02:35
8. Edward Burtynsky Made Me Feel 07:30
released June 2, 2009
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Tveir by Cliff Child

1. Inngangur 01:59
2. Moomins 02:51
3. Snjór 03:03
4. Prince Myshkin 02:16
5. Bláa Lónið 02:48
6. Akranes 01:38
7. Time 04:54
8. Cliff Child (Transmission Intercepted Remix by Jason Dragon) 05:16
released October 10, 2008
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Einn by Cliff Child

1. Hili 02:31
2. Cliff Child 02:13
3. Hit Gonk 03:18
4. Between Sides 04:17
5. The Middle 04:21
6. Tofieldia 02:11
released September 29, 2008
Digital Download link CD Sold Out